Monday, October 25, 2010

Week #7 Results

Now were gettin' somewhere! Olivia was out of action again but Sharon, The Coach, and I were in fine form with series of 540, 533, and 627 respectively. It was a four game sweep that moved us from third place to a first place tie with Dr. Nashmoyki at 18-10.

I got my Black Widow Pearl back after it was severely damaged during last week's action. Ray Spackman at the Diablo Lanes Pro Shop did a hell of a job repairing it. I had to check the serial number to see if it was the same ball. It looked like it was brand new. I certainly couldn't have any complaints about the ball. My 627 series was my best of the season. As a team, we averaged 189 for the night. Sharon raised her average another three pins while The Coach picked up five and I gained six. When we're bowling like that, we're tough to beat.

        01  02  03  SER  AVG
Sharon 183 166 191  540  180
Mark   201 224 202  627  209
Gary   174 178 181  533  178
Total  558 568 574 1700  189

For the season:

       GMS  PINS AVG
Sharon  18  2963 165
Olivia  15  2031 135
Mark    21  3607 172
Gary    18  2733 154
Total   72 11374 158

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