Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week #1 Results

We opened up the 2010-2011 bowling season at Diablo Lanes last night. Before we bowled, we had a league meeting during which all of the rules, prizes, costs, etc., were explained in detail. This was a quite a departure from the leagues we bowled in last season. We were left in the dark about everything and our questions were seldom ever answered to our satisfaction. Thus, we were off to a better start this season before we ever set foot on the lanes.

The League we're bowling in is called NFL Over The Wall. It has an NFL theme with contests tied into the Monday Night Football game and the season parallels the NFL season. Diablo Lanes has TVs mounted throughout the house so we can watch the game while we bowl -- this aspect of the league should keep The Coach very happy.

Though the business side of the league went without a hitch, we didn't bowl very well. Well, except for Olivia who bowled her best series ever. Sharon, The Coach, and I were well short of your averages. No doubt this was due to a lack of practice. Once we get back to our regular practice sessions, our scores should pick up.

We bowled unopposed in the first week. It would be nice if Diablo can get the league filled out so we won't have to do that again. Here are our scores in the opening week:

          1    2    3   SER  AVG
Sharon   135  168  149  452  150
Olivia   128  158  175  461  153
Mark     136  144  180  460  153
Coach    177  136  124  437  145

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