Monday, September 27, 2010

Week #3 Results

We had our first taste of defeat this season. We split 2-2 which leaves us with a record of 10-2. The Coach wasn't able to bowl tonight.

        01  02  03  SER  AVG
Sharon 180 150 155  485  162
Olivia 135 131 121  387  129
Mark   222 186 200  608  203
Total  537 467 476 1480  164

Here are out totals through the third week.

       GMS  PINS AVG
Sharon   9  1405 156
Olivia   9  1285 143
Mark     9  1570 174
Gary     6   861 144
Total   33  5121 155

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week #2 Results

We had another four game sweep tonight. We're 8-0 and in first place.

        01  02  03  SER  AVG
Sharon 148 151 169  468  156
Olivia 138 166 133  437  146
Mark   146 175 181  502  167
Gary   168 149 107  424  141
Total  600 641 590 1831  153

Here are our stats through the first two weeks.

       GMS  PINS AVG
Sharon   6   920 153
Olivia   6   898 150
Mark     6   962 160
Gary     6   861 144
Total   24  3641 152

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week #1 Results

We opened up the 2010-2011 bowling season at Diablo Lanes last night. Before we bowled, we had a league meeting during which all of the rules, prizes, costs, etc., were explained in detail. This was a quite a departure from the leagues we bowled in last season. We were left in the dark about everything and our questions were seldom ever answered to our satisfaction. Thus, we were off to a better start this season before we ever set foot on the lanes.